Birthday Messages | October Celebrants

Happy Birthday October Celebrants!
October 9th
(ccto Pada Roxanne)
October 15th     
October 23rd
    October 27th      
October 31st

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ilovepink1078 said...

Happy Birthday, mga anak Cassandra,Ayesha, Jarred and Brendon! Wishing you good health and more birthdays to come! love you all...

Unknown said...

Happy Bday self and to Ayesha, Brandon and Jarred hehe labyo self <33

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Dwight,ayesha,brandon,roxanne
wish you all the best and always stay safe

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Cassandra, Ayesha,Dwight and Brandon,

Stay safe,enjoy and have fun celebrating your birthday!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Bday Ayesha, Brandon, Cassandra and Jarred, hope you have a wonderful celebration of your birthday, be well and stay safe.

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Cassandra, Dwight, Brandon, and Ayesha!!

Have a great birthdayy/birthmonthhh

Unknown said...

lab you all

Unknown said...

happy birthday october birthday especially mam abcill god bless all

Hera Paulyn L. Caneja said...

Happy Birthday to those who's birthday is this month!! I wish you all the best blessings and lovely memories so that you can cherish you and your family even more and remember to always stay safe and be healthy<33

Sacabin Sydney Faithe said...

Sydney Faithe A. Sacabin
Happy birthday to all of you! I your techbuddy blesses you with all my heart and Happiness~!

(good luck~)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday/month Cassandra, Ayesha, Brandon and Jarred!! I wish you all a happy birthday/month,
Stay safe n healthy :D. [repost kay wlay name]

-Breanne Caballero

Gabasa, Lance Gwyneth Fortune T. , 7-Faith said...

Happy birthday to you guys
wish you all a good blessings and birthday to come

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