Resting Heart Rate | Body Mass Index | Waist to Hip Ratio | First Quarter | Week1 | PE | MAPEH 7

Here's the Learning Materials for PE
Topic: Physical Fitness and Physical Fitness Components | First Quarter | Week1 | PE | MAPEH 7
-How to compute the Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
-How to compute the Body Mass Index (BMI)
-How to compute the Waist to Hip Ration (WHR)

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Dela Calzada, Christie C. 7-Galileo said...

1.First get your resting heart by touching your neck or wrist make sure to find your heartbeat,then multiply your Bpm(or beat per minute) by 2 the result of it is you resting heart rate.
2.Multiply your height by its self then Divide the result of it by your weight.
3.You Divide your waist circumference with your hips circumference.

Kinjy Alain A. Chua said...

1.How to compute the Resting Heart Rate (RHR)
2.How to compute the Body Mass Index (BMI)
3.How to compute the Waist to Hip Ration (WHR)

-you need to get your heart rate
-count for your heartbeat for 30 seconds then multiply by 2
For ex.
this is for athletes
-you need to get your weight in kg
-you also need to get your height in cm or m
-then multiply your height
For ex.
1.40 times 1.40
-then divide your weight and the answer of the height
-and the outcome will be your bmi.
-get your waist circumference in cm
-get your hips circumference in cm
-then divide your waist circumference and hips circumference
For ex.(women)
This is good for the girls
For ex.(men)
This is excellent for the boys

louiz Philippe S. Tecson said...

Waist to hips ratio(WHR) of the given data:
WHR = waist circumference
Hip circumference
= 29 cm
35 cm
WHR = 0. 8286
Classification: Excellent

WHR = waist circumference
Hip circumference
= 29 cm
35 cm
WHR = 0. 8286

Unknown said...

Kwong, Christopher John C.
MAPEH Boardwork
1.Count the beat of your pulses for 30 seconds. Then multiply it by 2 and that is your RHR.
2.Multiply your height by itself then divide the weight by your height.
3.Divide your waist circumference by your hips circumference.

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