Subli Dance Performance | Basic Dance Steps of Subli | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

Entrance (Non-Locomotor)
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Sway Hips  (Kiay2x holding your hat)
Hat Sway front 1ct, left 2ct, right 3ct, put on your head 4ct
M-Hand on your waist 
Foot Work Movements
-Mincing (Both)

Fig. I
Arms/Hands Movements
Foot Work Movements
-Change Step (Both)

Fig. II
Arms/Hands Movements
Foot Work Movements
F-Mincing Step
M-Hop Step

Fig. III
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Flip Hand at the Side
Foot Work Movements
F-Mincing Step
M-Hop Step

Fig. IV
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Offer Extend Arms
Foot Work Movements
-Change Step (Both)

Fig. V
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Drive Forward
M-Extend Arm Oblique
Foot Work Movements
-Change Step (Both)

Fig. VI
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Pose Alternate (Holding the Hat)
Foot Work Movements
-Change Step (Both)

Fig. VII
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Sway Arms (Figure of 8)
M-Hayon-Hayon (Chasing)
Foot Work Movements
-Change Step (Both)

Fig. VIII  (Optional In/Out on the Stage)
Arms/Hands Movements
F-Sway Hips (Kiay2x same as Entrance)
M-Hand on your waist 
Foot Work Movements
-Mincing (Both)

Direction (Formation and Choreography)
-Counter clockwise
-Pivot Turn

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Josh Wyne Satina said...

I am so happy to learn on how to dance Subli Folk Dance.

THANK YOU Maam. Abcil for teaching us on how to dance Subli folk-dance

Criselda Mae Nambatac said...
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Criselda Mae Nambatac said...
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Criselda Mae Nambatac said...

The Subli Folk Dance was entertaining and it has an easy steps,I enjoy dancing this dance.Thanks to our mapeh teacher for teaching this dance.

Ashley Saguban said...

The Subli Folk dance was entertaining to learn, I had a lot of fun learning it with my classmates. Ma'am Alquisola helped me to familiarize and understand the steps very carefully, Thank you Ma'am :)

Ashley Saguban said...

The Subli Folk dance was entertaining to learn, I had a lot of fun learning it with my classmates. Ma'am Alquisola helped me to familiarize and understand the steps very carefully, Thank you Ma'am :)

Ashley Saguban 7-Platinum

ilovepink1078 said...

Ashley, Thank you so much for learning and appreciating the dance especially Philippine Folk Dance.

Unknown said...

Well the subli dance is indeed entertaining and looks very fun but in the steps it was very hard, i did try my best though, even in the virtual perfromance i did missed one step. From now on when there's a another subli dance performnace I'll make sure to practice harder so i wont be be missing some steps when dancing :)....

Unknown said...

I had fun learning the subli folkdance, and I love how our MAPEH teacher Ma'am Abcill Alquisola helped us in learning the dance. It was fun especially because I missed competing in different folkdance contest.

Unknown said...

I had fun learning the subli folkdance, and I love how our MAPEH teacher Ma'am Abcill Alquisola helped us in learning the dance. It was fun especially because I missed competing in different folkdance contest.

Edward Guiller Y Facturan
Grade 7- Platinum

ilovepink1078 said...

Edward, You did it right! Yeah, It seems you're in the folk dance contest though virtual. I am proud of you and your classmates performances.

Keirt Rolevan Y. Rusia said...

I learn to dance the folkdance and there steps just like the sibil dance... And thank you maam for teaching as the folk dance and for everything that you have teach

Keirt Rolevan Y. Rusia. Grade 7-Opal

Unknown said...

i had fun learning subli dance, i am so glad that i learned a new folk dance. Thank you so much maam abcill for teaching us the folk dance!

Aishsha Nietzsch C. Capangpangan
Grade 7- Opal

Unknown said...

I'm glad that I was able to learn this dance. The steps were very easy to learn. Thank you ms. Abcill!

Unknown said...

I'm glad that I was able to learn this dance. The steps were very easy to learn. Thank you ms. Abcill! -Jianna Andrea M. Tuan 7-Opal

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