Classifications of Philippine folk Dances | Folk Dances | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

  • Maria Clara Dance
- These are dances adopted from European dances like Jotas, Fandangos, Mazurkas, waltzes. 
- Dances reflects socialites to the Christianity, and stringed music of European art and the rondalla Culture  Spanish Influenced Dances Jota and Habanera.

  • Cordillera Dance
-There are dances from Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayo, & Kalinga tribes.
-Dances reflects rituals about their way of life existed long before; a good foot on the harvest, health, peace, even Philippines war.

  • Muslim Dance
-These are dances influenced by Malay, Javanese & Middle Eastern Traders Islam like  Maranao – Singkil, Tausug –Pangalay
-Dances reflects mysticism, royalty, and beauty.

  • Rural Dance
-These are dances performed in fiestas to honor patron saints give homage to the barrios namesake for a good harvest, health. and to shows gaiety & laughter, festivities like Subli, Maglalatik, Oasiwas, Karatong, Itik-Itik, Tinikling,etc.
-Dances reflects the simple life of perseverance the people in the barrio that depicts common work, and daily activities.
  • Tribal Dance
-These are dances from T’boli, Bilaan, Manobo, Bagobo. It is also known as Lumad and Ethnic dances for nature, animal sounds, anito, etc. 
-Dances reflects rituals & animals, belief in spirits, anito. Also, intricate craftsmanship in metal, clothing, and jewelry.

 Major Classifications of each Philippine Folk Dances are classified into these categories:
  • Festival Dances - These dances are suitable for special occasions or any social gathering.
  • Ceremonial or Religious Dances - These dances are performed in connection with religious vows and ceremonies.
  • Occupational Dances - These dances depict action of certain occupation, industry, or human labor.
  • Courtship Dances - These dances portray love-making or affection belonging to this classification.
  • War Dances - These dances are representation of performers illustrating struggle in a combat or duel.
  • Interpretative or Creative Dances - These dances depict movements of animals and things around us.  

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