Subli Dance | Basic Dance Steps of Subli | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

Philippine Folk Dance-Subli

SUBLI is a favorite dance of the people in nearly all the barrios of the municipality of Bauan, Batangas, in the month of May and during the town and barrio fiestas. It is a ceremonial worship dance performed in homage to the Holy cross referred to in the vernacular as mahal na poong Santa Cruz. It originated some three hundred years ago in the barrio of Dingin Alitagtag Batangas.

The name subli is derived from the two tagalong words subsub (stopped or in a crouching position) and bali (broken) thus the men dancers are in the trunk. Forward bend position throughout the dance. They seem to be lame and crooked.

Foot Work Movements
-Minicing Step
-Change Step
-Hop step

Arms/Hands Movements

-Counter clockwise
-Pivot Turn

Music Introduction
(a) Hold hat at top with R hand.Move R hand to right side (cts.1,2), to left side (cts.1,2), to front as if paying respect to audiance (cts.1,2), put hat on head ( cts.1,2).
( b) Pause. Hands down at sides.

Stand still, hands on waist for eight measures or
(a) Click castanets once with both hands at right side (cts.1), pause (cts.2); repeat the same with hands at left side (cts.1,2), repeat the same with hands in front of chest (cts.1,2) bow and click castanets once on ct.1 with hands in second position (cts.1,2).
( b) Pause. Hands on waist.

After the individual pair dances (if there is) the dancers form two lines, Boys stand about four feet behind their respective partners. All face the audience. Three or four pairs make a good set.

one, two, or one, and, two to a measure in 2 4 and one, and, ah, two, and, ah, in 6 8 time.

The first part of the dance, which is the individual couple dance, is accompanied by a kalatong (a bamboo instrument struck with two bamboo sticks) and drums of various sizes made of goat's skin.
The second type of the dance has a two-part music:A and B.

Girls wear simple balintawak costume ( with tapis and panyo) and a buri hat.
Boys wear barong tagalog and red trousers with a pair of bamboo castanets held in each hand. Both Girls and Boys are barefooted.

Hat on head.
(a) With heels raised, execute mincing- step turn right (once) in place (8 cts.). Kumintang R hand slowly clockwise (4 cts.), back of L hand under R elbow. Do the kumintang once more clockwise (4 cts.).
( b) Repeat ( a), three more times.

(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward going clockwise around the partner. Arms in hayon-hayon position,R and L arm in front alternately. Click castanets three times to a measure on cts.1 and 2 of every measure. Finish in proper places facing partner.
( b) Repeat ( a), going counterclockwise around partner.

Music B
Take off hat and hold top with R hand.
(a) Execute mincing-step turn as in figure I. Turn hat clockwise (4 cts.) and counterclockwise ( 4 cts.). L hand on waist.
( b) Repeat ( a) turning counterclockwise. Repeat the same hat movements as in ( a).
( c) Repeat ( a) and ( b).

(a) With R foot leading, take four chasing steps forward (4 cts) and four chasing steps forward with L foot leading (4 cts.). Arms in hayon-hayon position with R in front for the first 4 cts. and L in front the next 4 cts. Click castanets once on every count.
( b) Continue doing ( a) going clockwise around partner. Finish in proper places.
( c) Repeat ( a) and (b) going counterclockwise around partner.

Music C
Hats on head.
(a) Execute mincing-step turn right (8 cts.) and left (8 cts.) in place. Kumintang R hand (4 cts.) and L 'hand(4 cts.); L hand (4 cts.) and R hand ( 4 cts.). Back of other hand supporting elbow of hand doing the Kumintang.
(b) Repeat (a).

(a) Take four hops forward on R foot (4 cts.) and four hops on L (4 cts.) alternately ( two times) going clockwise around partner. Click castanets once on every count, position of arms as in figure II (a). Finish in proper places.
(b) Repeat (a).

Hold hat with two hands.
(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward. Move hat sideward right and left alternately.
(b) Face right. Repeat (a), moving forward to exit.
(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward. Move hat sideward right and left alternately.
(b) Face left. Repeat (a), moving forward to exit.

-Hope You'll Enjoy Dancing-

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Diorama | Performance Task#4.2 | Fourth Quarter | PE and HEALTH | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

Photo Credits to the Owner 

Diorama | Performance Task#4.2 | Fourth Quarter | PE and HEALTH | MAPEH 9

Diorama from Recycled Materials Guidelines:       

-A miniature scene in a box that define as much smaller than the original. Shows a story or an event in history.
Materials needed:
-1/8 Thick illustration board
-colored paper
-other recyclable materials
-For your 4th grading performance task in P.E and Health choose only one of the following for Miniature making:
                    1. Badminton Court
                    2. Table tennis court
                    3. Outdoor camping set up

-Use recycled materials.
-The base of your miniature is as big as the size of ⅛ size illustration board.
-Apply final touches and take pictures of the final output.
-Provide authentic documentation of the Performance Task (TIME LAPSE AND PHOTOS OF THE BEFORE AND AFTER PROCEDURE)
-Attach/Submit it to our Google Classroom Link
-Submit this ON or BEFORE MAY 12, 2021 (WEDNESDAY).
For more information/instruction please watch DIY video provided below.

Theme of the Miniature/name: __________
Relevance (20 pts.)
The miniature has relevance to the theme and parallel to the lesson discussed. It can be easily understood without having explanations.

Materials Used (30 pts)
The students’ used recycled materials and less use of new materials. Uses creativity and originality in doing so.

-Benjie Sapanta
-Richard Jongko  
-Lera Dela Calzada 
-Abcill Alquisola

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Basic Movements | Locomotor and Non-locomotor Movements | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

(Photo Credits to the Owner)

Locomotor movements  are fundamental body movements that incorporate or occupy space/traveling. 

Non-locomotor movements  are fundamental body movements that do not incorporate traveling. They are stability skills that include movements of limbs or body parts, and sometimes even the whole body.

Interpret the different locomotor and non-locomotor movements
-Perform the different basic movements
-Individual movements interpretation
-Prepare for class participation

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5 W's and 1 H Chart | Accidents/Crimes/Injuries | Health | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

“News Article About Accidents/Crimes/Injuries“


 -Research and read news/article related to Accidents/Crimes/Injuries.
•  Attached your chosen news/article in a document and write your answers on the same document.

 A.   5 W’s and 1 H 
 Chart Accidents/Crimes/Injuries.

Fill each row with details that answer the question.
Title of Article:
1. Who are involved?
2. What happened?
3. When did it happen?
4. Where did it happen?
5. Why did it happen?
6. How did it happen?
B. How does the article affect you? (Discuss in at least five complete sentences)

Write it in your MAPEH notebook/Digital Docx

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Simple Recall: Classifications of Philippine folk Dances | Folk Dances | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

Do you know enough about Classifications Philippine Folk Dances or still need to cover a lot of Classifications/Background? Take this quiz to know/check your learnings.

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Take this quiz and share your experience.

[After the Quiz]
You will receive a Certificate of Achievements like this. You may put name on your certificate before closing it or Screenshot.

Have a nice day!

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Classifications of Philippine folk Dances | Folk Dances | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

  • Maria Clara Dance
- These are dances adopted from European dances like Jotas, Fandangos, Mazurkas, waltzes. 
- Dances reflects socialites to the Christianity, and stringed music of European art and the rondalla Culture  Spanish Influenced Dances Jota and Habanera.

  • Cordillera Dance
-There are dances from Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayo, & Kalinga tribes.
-Dances reflects rituals about their way of life existed long before; a good foot on the harvest, health, peace, even Philippines war.

  • Muslim Dance
-These are dances influenced by Malay, Javanese & Middle Eastern Traders Islam like  Maranao – Singkil, Tausug –Pangalay
-Dances reflects mysticism, royalty, and beauty.

  • Rural Dance
-These are dances performed in fiestas to honor patron saints give homage to the barrios namesake for a good harvest, health. and to shows gaiety & laughter, festivities like Subli, Maglalatik, Oasiwas, Karatong, Itik-Itik, Tinikling,etc.
-Dances reflects the simple life of perseverance the people in the barrio that depicts common work, and daily activities.
  • Tribal Dance
-These are dances from T’boli, Bilaan, Manobo, Bagobo. It is also known as Lumad and Ethnic dances for nature, animal sounds, anito, etc. 
-Dances reflects rituals & animals, belief in spirits, anito. Also, intricate craftsmanship in metal, clothing, and jewelry.

 Major Classifications of each Philippine Folk Dances are classified into these categories:
  • Festival Dances - These dances are suitable for special occasions or any social gathering.
  • Ceremonial or Religious Dances - These dances are performed in connection with religious vows and ceremonies.
  • Occupational Dances - These dances depict action of certain occupation, industry, or human labor.
  • Courtship Dances - These dances portray love-making or affection belonging to this classification.
  • War Dances - These dances are representation of performers illustrating struggle in a combat or duel.
  • Interpretative or Creative Dances - These dances depict movements of animals and things around us.  

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Dance Performance of Philippine Folk Dances or Differentiated Activities about Lifestyle Diseases and Disorder | Performance Task#4.2| Fourth Quarter | Physical Education and Health | MAPEH 7

PT#4.2 – 4th Quarter (PE and Health)
Dance Performance of Philippine Folk Dances or Differentiated Activities about Lifestyle Diseases and Disorder | Performance Task#4.2| Fourth Quarter | Physical Education and Health | MAPEH 7
A.      Group Performance
1. This will be done by groups of 2-6 members;
2. Present a simultaneous production Dance Performance of Philippine Folk Dances (Choose only 1):
- Tinikling
3. Perform the whole Dance Figures of the chosen folk dance;
 4. Have it digitally recorded and collate it as one for group task;
6. Editing at the end. Please include the following:
-Name of Members-Roles
-Performers (Dancers)
-Choreographer (Leader)
8. The video must not exceed in 7 mins. You will be given the 2 weeks to do the task and we will use our asynchronous schedule time for this activity;
You may watch the video link posted below for your guide.
-Dance Figures of the following Folk Dances
Submit this on May 12, 2021

B.      Individual Performance
1. Create a campaign about how to promoting a healthy lifestyle.
2. Choose only one (1) of the following outputs (you prefer to work):
- Collage Making
- Poster Making
-Infomercial/video 1-2 mins
3. Make a creative output
-have a picture/selfie of your work at least 1-2 pictures for collage, poster and article
-video 1-2 mins for infomercial
Submit your picture in our google classroom on/or before May 12, 2021

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HEALTH | Assessment for Learning | FA#4.1 | Fourth Quarter

HEALTH | Assessment for Learning | FA#4.1 | Fourth Quarter

Choose your section and click the corresponding test or number below. Then, you'll be redirected to the site/form (Activity). 

Note:  Time to START (Wait for the instruction to open the link)

Opal: Test

Diamond: Test

Platinum: Test

Galileo: Test

Emerald: Test

Garnet: Test

Topaz: Test

Enjoy your online class and have happy learning!

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Learning Materials for Arts | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage


Learning Materials for Arts | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

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Learning Materials for Music | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage


Learning Materials for Music | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

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Learning Materials for Arts | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

Arts: Western Classical Plays and Operas

Learning Materials for Arts | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

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Learning Materials for MUSIC | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

Music Romantic Period 

Learning Materials for Music | Fourth Quarter | MAPEH 9 | MAPEH Homepage

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MUSIC AND ARTS | Assessment of Learning | ST#4.1 | Fourth Quarter

MUSIC AND ARTS | Assessment of Learning | ST#4.1 | Fourth Quarter

Choose your section and click the corresponding test or number below. Then, you'll be redirected to the site/form (Activity). 

Note:  Time to START (Wait for the instruction to open the link)

Opal: Test

Diamond: Test

Platinum: Test

Galileo: Test

Emerald: Test

Garnet: Test

Topaz: Test

Enjoy your online class and have happy learning!
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Masquerade Mask Designing | Performance Task#4.1 | Fourth Quarter | Music and Arts | MAPEH 9


Masquerade Mask Designing | Performance Task#4.1 | Fourth Quarter | Music and Arts | MAPEH 9

Designing a Masquerade Mask from Recycled Materials       

- individual performance task
- choose a design or template, and  recycled materials;
- design a Masquerade Mask made of various materials like feathers, cartoon, construction or colored    paper, flowers, stone, shell, beads, etc. (any available recycled materials);
- make a creative output and observe the elements of art.
- submit only 1 output
- have a picture and selfie of your work at 1-2 pictures (wearing your masquerade mask)
        *1st picture-working on the task
        *2nd picture-finished product/output and wearing your masquerade mask from recycled materials
-see example printable  masquerade templates
- submit your output in our google classroom on/or before April 14, 2021

-color harmony-10 pts
-materials (recycled)-15 pts
-visual impact- 10 pts
Total Points=50

-Benjie Sapanta
-Richard Jongko  
-Lera Dela Calzada 
-Abcill Alquisola

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Happy Easter | Easter Greetings | MAPEH Homepage

May all the choicest blessings of the world be showered upon you and fill your life with joy and delight.  
Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family.

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