The name subli is derived from the two tagalong words subsub (stopped or in a crouching position) and bali (broken) thus the men dancers are in the trunk. Forward bend position throughout the dance. They seem to be lame and crooked.
(a) Hold hat at top with R hand.Move R hand to right side (cts.1,2), to left side (cts.1,2), to front as if paying respect to audiance (cts.1,2), put hat on head ( cts.1,2).
( b) Pause. Hands down at sides.
Stand still, hands on waist for eight measures or
(a) Click castanets once with both hands at right side (cts.1), pause (cts.2); repeat the same with hands at left side (cts.1,2), repeat the same with hands in front of chest (cts.1,2) bow and click castanets once on ct.1 with hands in second position (cts.1,2).
( b) Pause. Hands on waist.
After the individual pair dances (if there is) the dancers form two lines, Boys stand about four feet behind their respective partners. All face the audience. Three or four pairs make a good set.
one, two, or one, and, two to a measure in 2 4 and one, and, ah, two, and, ah, in 6 8 time.
The first part of the dance, which is the individual couple dance, is accompanied by a kalatong (a bamboo instrument struck with two bamboo sticks) and drums of various sizes made of goat's skin.
The second type of the dance has a two-part music:A and B.
Girls wear simple balintawak costume ( with tapis and panyo) and a buri hat.
Boys wear barong tagalog and red trousers with a pair of bamboo castanets held in each hand. Both Girls and Boys are barefooted.
Hat on head.
(a) With heels raised, execute mincing- step turn right (once) in place (8 cts.). Kumintang R hand slowly clockwise (4 cts.), back of L hand under R elbow. Do the kumintang once more clockwise (4 cts.).
( b) Repeat ( a), three more times.
(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward going clockwise around the partner. Arms in hayon-hayon position,R and L arm in front alternately. Click castanets three times to a measure on cts.1 and 2 of every measure. Finish in proper places facing partner.
( b) Repeat ( a), going counterclockwise around partner.
Take off hat and hold top with R hand.
(a) Execute mincing-step turn as in figure I. Turn hat clockwise (4 cts.) and counterclockwise ( 4 cts.). L hand on waist.
( b) Repeat ( a) turning counterclockwise. Repeat the same hat movements as in ( a).
( c) Repeat ( a) and ( b).
(a) With R foot leading, take four chasing steps forward (4 cts) and four chasing steps forward with L foot leading (4 cts.). Arms in hayon-hayon position with R in front for the first 4 cts. and L in front the next 4 cts. Click castanets once on every count.
( b) Continue doing ( a) going clockwise around partner. Finish in proper places.
( c) Repeat ( a) and (b) going counterclockwise around partner.
Hats on head.
(a) Execute mincing-step turn right (8 cts.) and left (8 cts.) in place. Kumintang R hand (4 cts.) and L 'hand(4 cts.); L hand (4 cts.) and R hand ( 4 cts.). Back of other hand supporting elbow of hand doing the Kumintang.
(b) Repeat (a).
(a) Take four hops forward on R foot (4 cts.) and four hops on L (4 cts.) alternately ( two times) going clockwise around partner. Click castanets once on every count, position of arms as in figure II (a). Finish in proper places.
(b) Repeat (a).
Hold hat with two hands.
(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward. Move hat sideward right and left alternately.
(b) Face right. Repeat (a), moving forward to exit.
(a) Starting with R foot, take eight change steps forward. Move hat sideward right and left alternately.
(b) Face left. Repeat (a), moving forward to exit.