Cover Song | Performance Task#3.1 |Third Quarter | Music | MAPEH 9


PT#3.1-3rd Quarter

Cover Song |Performance Task#3.1 |Third Quarter | Music | MAPEH 9


-A revival, or simply a cover that is a new performance or recording by someone other than the original artist or composer of a song.


1. Create a cover song that increases emotional expression. Listen to other covers. Get the essence of the song, feel free to bend genres, determine how to accentuate the lyrics, play around with different aspects of the song's composition.

2. Play the music with your own instrument of choice (guitar, piano, etc)

3. Sing an a cappella version of the chosen song using your own voice.

4. Add harmonies, background vocals, and anything else you can do with your voice.

5. Record yourself with a good camera. Videos of popular cover songs that show the singer singing.

6. This will be done individually or in groups with at least 1-2 min presentation.

-Groups 2 to 4 members

7. You may watch the link posted above for your guide.            

8. Submit this on or before FEBRUARY 19, 2020 (FRIDAY)




(Well prepared and confident)


(Song is presented with style and creativeness)


(Chooses song with a deep meaningful theme)


(Dressed appropriately according to song covered)


(Effort put into project)


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