Creative Folk Song Presentation | Tribal Accessories | Performance Task#2.1 | Second Quarter | Music and Arts | MAPEH 7


Only 1 output for this PT#2.1 - 2nd Quarter. However, you have two OPTIONS to choose from either Music or Arts:

A. Music-Creative Folk Songs Presentation (Salidumay)

B. Arts-Creating Tribal Accessories from Recycled Materials 

A. MUSIC - “Creative Folk Songs Presentation (Salidumay)


-        individual performance task

-        perform and sing a folk song from Kalinga Cordillera Region (Salidumay)

-        make a creative song interpretation or presentation.

-        record with at least 1 minute or less than a min. your creative video presentation.

-        submit your video in our google classroom on/or before  December 14, 2020 

Song and Lyrics: (link here)


-mastery of the songs-15 pts

-musicality/voice quality-15 pts

-creativity and resourcefulness-15 pts

-overall impact-5 pts

Total Points = 50


        B. ARTS  - “Creating Tribal Accessories from Recycled Materials 


-        individual performance task

-        decide on any artistic body adornments like a necklace, bracelets, anklets made of ethnic or                     recycled materials;

-       design bead jewelry or jewelry made of various materials like a magazine, construction or colored          paper, stone, shell, native beads, etc. (any available recycled materials); 

-        make a creative output and observe harmony of colors, pattern in choosing your beads or stone

-       submit only 1 output 

-       have a picture and selfie of your work at 1-2 pictures (wearing your tribal accessories)

        *1st picture-working on the task

        *2nd picture-finished product/output and wearing your tribal accessories from recycled materials 

        *make a collage using your picture and paste it on a docx file (word file) format.     

-       see example below

-        submit your output in our google classroom on/or before  December 14, 2020 

-Design, Pattern, and style-15 pts
-Color Harmony-15 pts
-materials (recycled)-15 pts
-overall impact- 5 pts
Total Points=50 

-Bryl Caballero
-Richard Jongko    
-Abcill Alquisola

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