Behaviors in Virtual Classroom | Synchronous Activity | MAPEH

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Positive behaviors in the virtual classroom.
Disruptive behaviors in the virtual classroom.

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Unknown said...

Good afternoon ma'am. I have my answer to your questions and the first one is, I choose respectful because It was important to us to respect of one another.I choose bullying in the second question because bullying is not a nice joke to do and It will make a trouble to the surroundings.

Unknown said...

Good evening ma'am. My answer to you question is. the first one is listening because it can help you to get ah high score and you will catch up easily.and the second one is disrespectful bacause its not good.

Sophia Aira S. Puerto

Unknown said...

good evening ma'am , i Choose the word Respect cause without it, people can't value themselves or others. ... people who have self-respect treat themselves well. the second word is not listening cause not listening can leads to assumptions and misunderstandings and These lead to errors, ineffective decisions, and/or costly mistakes. Marian Karla Pugoy 9-topaz

Unknown said...

Good evening ma'am. My answer to your questions and first is active because if you are active in class, you can answer the questions that given to the speaker and the second question is disruptive because he/she can distract the class example he/she opens the mic whenever he/she isn't called.

Elijiah Brent E. Razo

Unknown said...

Good evening ma'am my answer to this activity is that the positive behavior in virtual classroom is that we listen and pay attention to the teacher and be right on time while disruptive behavior is we are not listening and we are not cooperating in the class.

Trisha Anne D. Quisada

Unknown said...

good evening maam i choose the word respectful It is important to respect everyone, we need it in all situations such as respecting other people's opinions no matter what we should have respect . the second word is disrespectful It is not good for people to have no respect, no self-respect, or no respect for other people. Let us avoid disrespect because it is not good for other people as well as us.
Marycris Y. Tacatani

Unknown said...

Good evening ma’am. My answer to your questions is...I choose pay attention.All students needs to pay attention to the teachers so that you can understand what the teacher said.If you don’t pay attention of course you won’t know what to do..because you’re not listening.So that’s why we should pay attention to them and listen carefully what they said.!!

Samantha M. Ferrolino

Unknown said...

Good evening ma'am.My answer to your 1st question is, respect the person who's talking and my answer to your next question ma'am is bullying because it can affect the person you're bullying and having low confidence of her/his self

James emmanuel p. doron said...
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James emmanuel p. doron said...

Good Evening ma'

am i Choose the word Attentive Because it's for you to pay Attention to your teacher when his/her was speaking or teaching in front of you and being attentive is very important For you to be able to be updated and won't miss any lesson's .And the second word ma'am is Bullying that word Cause's a lot of issues Bullying can lower your Confident's Which Is Confident's are very usefulll this schoolyear since were dealing with new normal.

James Emmanuel P. Doron

Unknown said...

Good evening ma'am! I have my answer to your questions. The first one is listening, because we need to listen so that you know what teachers are saying and you can catch up easily. The second one is Noisy because we can’t concentrate if we’re being so noisy and we can’t understand clearly what teacher said.

Alex Mie D. Bayron

Edzel joson said...

Good evening ma'am! My answer is compassionate because I am concern to others that struggling to this new Normal especially teachers' having hard times.
Edzel joson
9 - topaz

Unknown said...

Good evening maam my answer is patience because you need patience to concentrate tot the class

Unknown said...

Good morning ma'am my answer is respect because being respected by importan people in our lives growing up teaches us how to be respectful toward others.

Juliet T. Labustro

Puspus, Jane Kiszyl said...

Good morning ma'am. My answer to your question is.The first one is listening because its can help you to understand the lesson properly and it can help you to get a highscore.And the second one is bullying because bullying is not that easy it's cause you feel depressed,lack of confedence,problem, and others


Jeth said...

Good morning ma'am my first answer is participate because, you need to express your ideas to improve your learning. The second one is not listening because, you need to listen to the teacher while discussing.

Jeth Kirby S. Chiong

Unknown said...

Good morning ma'am I have your answer in behaviors my answer is respect listen carefully because 8f we listen to you we will learn a lot and if we respect each others we will be able to make it good and we will not talk if your talking that's all ma'am that is my answer ma'am.

Jemuel Ryan M. Rama said...

Good morning ma'am. One positive behavior in a virtual classroom is being respectful to other students and teachers. Even if you disagree with someone, make it a point to be respectful in your comments. Don't be rude. Be sensitive to the feelings of others and respect everyone in class all the time.

One disruptive behavior is when you don't pay attention to the speaker / teacher. It's when you keep on chatting unnecessary things on the chatbox. Don't abuse the chatbox, be attentive to who is talking , listen and cooperate.

Jemuel Ryan M. Rama

Unknown said...

Good Morning ma'am . One disruptive behavior in virtual class first noisy so that teacher will distract.

One positive behavior in virtual class is first is to be respectful so that you manage and you can learned and the teacher also can speak clearly .

Maria Nina Marbacias
9 Topaz

Unknown said...

Good day ma'am. One positive behavior that I chose is being exciting to learn new lessons and activities. The reason I pick that option due to the fact that we should be attentive enough to learn new things, especially to things that we never knew before.

Another distruptive behavior for me is making disturbance since it disrespects to teachers and students who really want to study.

Anthony C. Honculada
9/17/20 8:14 AM

Unknown said...

My answer in no 2 is slow internet conncection because sometimes we cannot understand what they are about

Unknown said...

Good morning ma'am.My answer in question 1 is listen carefully if we listen we will learn about new things.My answer in question number 2 is low internet connection if the connection lost sometimes we cannot understand what they are talking about of the teacher

Unknown said...

Jethro minguito
9 topaz

Unknown said...

Good evening Ma'am I choose respect because it is the most important thing to do. Mutual respect in the classroom encompasses more than the interaction between students and the teacher. Respect means that students also treat each other properly. The result is a classroom where more learning takes place as students feel safe, motivated and, of course, respected. The disruptive is not listening because when the teachers start his/her discussion the students should listen attentively to focus and understand the lesson, that's why i choose being noisy in disruptive behavior in virtual classroom. Acmalia A. Darodao 9-Topaz

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