Last three weeks ago, while walking home from school, I felt severe hunger. So, because of this I immediately looked for a place where I can eat. I saw a sari-sari store with a small canteen near a jeepney stop where I ate. Since the canteen was near a garbage dump, there were many flies flying around. There was also no visible source of water which could have been used to clean the forks, spoons, plates, glasses and the utensils that were used for cooking. On my way home, I experienced pain in my stomach which eventually led to a more serious condition.
Two days later,I was terribly ill, dehydrated and became very weak and lost weight. Bang! I had to be confined in the hospital for observation...Need series of observation. So, what's wrong with me? Laboratory results,It was then
This is microorganisms called
protozoa producing toxins and reproduce fast through non-human materials like insects, utensils and water.
Hmmm... Right now, I have to be more watchful and careful of any food and fluid intakes.

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I learned that you must not let any flies suck into your FOOD because it brings some DISEASES!
I learnd that you should clean your avoid desease..and also clean our avoid bad odor..^_^
i learned that do not throw the biodegradable garbage anywhere because many flies in your sorroundngs suck on it
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