Now days, our students have less interest in their studies because of technology. This has become vital tool for communication, leisure, and transforming in the process the way thousands of students live.
Every new invention has its own merit and demerit. With advancing technology to bring comfort to man, the channel co communication have widened. The real power in the changing times is at our fingertips.
However, that technology has its downside. Cellular phones have become a medium for chatting nonsense, becoming anti-social cheating. Students’ text answers to their buddies during exams or activities. Most of the time, instead of studying and working assignments students listening to their mp3, mp4 or iPods.
In addition, using the internet for research students visit pornography web site or on line games and getting addicted to it.
So, let us help one another to educate them properly.What is more important is to use it wisely, otherwise we will rely more on technology and less on What really matter most in the end of the day, our education, family, friends and Almighty God.

Oh yes you are so right my young friend....also technology has people connecting in different ways, it seems the personal chat has been pushed aside for an e-mail or text message.
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......:-) Hugs
i completely agree with your views. children and young people need guidance in these regards.
thanks for visiting my photoblog.
You are right, technology has both good and baad sides. O´ne has to choos howato use it. :)
talk about bad sides of technology....I got two ad windows popping up, one of them about Casinos. Maybe you should take a look. :(
an award 4 u in my blog,
please claim it.
thank U.
Happy Friday!
Hi to all!!
By the way Hannah..a new member of this site..
I just what to ask any suggestion on regarding my thesis proposal. I am a college student, major in MAPEH and i am taking a course which is THesis proposal.. I'm looking for a best topic or problem related to MAPEH. If somebody out there has an idea..please let me know..I really need your help. Please email me at you Guys ad HAve a blessed day!!!
my mga research titles po ba kau na pd ishare? about po sa mapeh. 3rd year student po ako sa bse mapeh major. pls po... pd po message nyu po ako sa facebook eto po email ko...
Pwd mag suggest kayo anong magandang research title sa MAPEH. 3rd na po ako BSED MAPEH MAJOR. Baka po pwede paki Email nalang po sa Email ko:
tnx you:)
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