From "The sound of Music"
Words by Oscar Hammerstein
Music by Richard Rogers
- doe a dear, a female deer
- ray a drop of golden sun
- me a neme I call my self
- far a long, long way to run.
- sew a needle pulling thread,
- la a note to follow sew,
- tea a drink with jam and bread
that will bring us back to

I learned who wrote the DO RE MI!
and they are represented by PITCH NAMES!
DO RE MI...helps you 2 improve's show how your voice was maintinly practice..
Do Re Mi is a joyfull song....
jejeje ^_^
. i had a lot of fun when i first come to know about the song . my classmates already knew what this song is all about well i don't . because obviously it is my first time to hear it .but when i start learning the tune and it's lyrics i had so much fun especially when we present it in front of my fellow students/classmates .i enjoyed it a lot because the actions is so funny . i mean WE are so funny doing the action's haha .
.well thanks to my teacher for teaching us about this topic .
it's easy for me now how to find the pitch names and how to put it in the staff *_* .
i learned this to how to express my voice...
i learned paint and color the drawing and learned
how to report!!....
thanks!! &_&
Do Re Mi is very important sofa syllables:)
The DO RE MI song is very beautiful to hear.The way that the lady sang the song is very soft.It really pushes us to sing with the lady.I really love Do Re Mi with the version of the lady.Her nice Do Re Mi song id very joyful.
The way she sang the song is very entertaining.Singing the Do Re Mi song is very important.This song helps us to improve our vocals.I also love the way they deliver the simple song that we all know since we are young.I hope that people will learn to enhance their vocals by singing Do Re Mi.
.....DO RE MI song is a good song and it helps to put the staff in the rhythm.....That all ....hoping for your kind consideration.....TNX2x....
The DO RE MI song is a song that is very easy to sing.its is very nice.
i love the way tha song was deliversed.i also like the location where the video was taken
DO RE MI song is very important especially to people who are still is very nice to practice this song first than other songs for trainees.
DO RE MI song is a nice song to sing.It will be more wonderful to hear if we will make our own version.
I like to hear the pitches of the song.DO RE MI is very appropriate to called as Sound Of Music.
The DO RE MI is very beautiful song and its help you to improve your voice...
....i learn that there are 7 sofa sylabols that we call DO RE MI, is a beatiful song that i heard....hope your kind consideration.....
>>we had fun of this i know that DO RE ME FA SO LA TI DO is sofa syllables..i learned alot of it;)
it's so very very nice music....and perfect!!!
i remember when i was grade one that i first learned this song..
this was taught to us by our teacher for us to remember easily the pitch names..
and i thought before that the spelling of the pitch names are really doe, ray, me, far, sew, la, tea...
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