October 5th is a celebration as World Teacher’s Day. This is special day to remember our dears’ teachers. Today, my worlds a whole lot nicer because of my students and people whom in one way or another remembered me. Thank you all for caring, and all of your natural thoughtfulness! Thank You!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. James 1:17
I received the following:
25 flowers
4 letters
3 tokens
1 mug
2 pcs. Chocolates
1 paper weight
- 1 box full of inspiring messages
Again, thank you all especially I-Orange, I-Ruby, and III-Diamond my former students. You really brightened my day.

I am sorry Mom Aquisula i didn't say to you Happy Teacher's Day....
Mom your Birthday is October 9, 2010.... advance happy birthday to you mom......!!!!
HI ma'am!!!!
Happy birthday!!! wish you all the best in life!!!
More power and more birthdays to come!!
happy birthday to ma'am RJ too.!!!
more birthdays to come and a;ways have a good health!!!!
belated happy teacher's day ma'am..
i was supposed to give a letter but i forgot to give it.. and now that teacher's day is over, i just kept it and was planning to save it for the teacher's day next year.. advance happy teacher's day next year ma'am..
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Thank You So Much and More Power!
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