In these delightful experiences, you make use of your body’s five remarkable senses such as sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
We have five major sense organs, which help us to be aware of the things around and to know what is happening around us and inside our body.
Can you name the major sense organs?
- Eyes
- Ears
- Hands
- Mouth/Tongue
- Nose

I like skin.
This organs are important because it can help your life and make it easy.
This organs are very important..because without this organs we can't live..and it make's our life comfortable...
the five major sense of organs are really important, because it allows us to interact with the world and are Essential for our survival.
...OUr five major organs are very really important.. because how can we see if we dont have eyes how can we hear if we dont have ears and etc.. IT can ALSo make us easy to interact with one another..!!
this five major senses are soo very very important....specially our eyes..because without this you cant see,smell,haer..thats why you must take care your eyes,nose,ears,hands,mouth or tongue..
This Organs are very important because without this we are ded now.... and make our life comfortable anytimes!!!!
the five sense organs are very important and very useful to us because we use it in our daily life...
this organs are very important because this organs will help you to live life well and comfortable..!!!
the five organs are needed to our lives because if there is no organs were are not here in this earth.......,,,,!!!!
This five major sense organs are very important because it help us aware from what is happening around us without this senses we are not leaving in this world. And i beliebve that no human or animals lived in this world that don't this five sense organs.
Like what i said our five major sense organs are very important and very useful because if we don't have eyes we cannot see anything,without ears wecannot hear anithing also,without tongue we cannot it delicious foods.So we are ver lucky to have this senses.
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