How is BP measured?
Before having it taken:
- Sit quitely for at least 5 minutes in a chair, with feet on the floor and arm supported at heart level;
- Make sure the temperature of the room is just right;
- Do not cross your legs or talk before and during the procedure.
How to read it?
90 systolic pressure
BP = ____ BP = __________________
60 diastolic pressure
read as "90 0ver 60"
Systolic pressure (highest pressure measurement)
It is caused by blood as it travels in the vessels while the heart is contracting.
Diasttolic pressure (lowest pressure measurement)
Itiscaused by blood as it travels in the vessels while the heart is relaxing between beats.
Even if we haven't discuss about blood pressure, with the information on this blog, we can know how to read blood pressure and what is it and we can know also what is diastolic and systolic pressure. You can know only about all of these if you just read it not looking only and not just waiting for the teacher to discuss about it.
i learned about bpor Blood Preasure,and about systolic preasure and diastolic preasure... i thank you..........
i just want to ask if we can have a part two of our talent search?
now i know what is blood pressure and how to read it.this blog is very important because you can know the lessons in advance.
on the 2nd day of august we went to the clinic, then we have our BP.
i do have 90/60
IS this normal for me or not?
naning kay'g pangutana oiiiiii!
from:Karen Tumala I-Diamond
now it is easy for me to know about my blood pressure ..........i really want to express my gratitude on this blog ......
since by father is high blood, my mother kept on explaining to me about measuring the blood pressure but i don't really get it..
maybe i'll get it when time comes..
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