This is hosted by my Friend Shakira.So, Let's have fun...
Remember, laughter is the best medicine!
Our culture seems to value activity much more than rest quick response and action much more than contemplation and response.
It’s no wonder many of us feel muddled, overwhelmed, and just plain tired.
“The morning is wiser than the evening”.
By Russian Proverb

Silly but SO WISE! Common sense is not that common after all right? Ha ha ha.
Excellent choice!
Pink, do me a favor, put the WEEKEND FUNNIES button somewhere in y0ur post ok? Thanks!
good one.
OMG, I did not realize we are supposed to take part in this "funny" business. Shame on me...I should be writing this to Sh@KiR@ CK
(That is a hard name to pronounce--for me!
You have also an interesting "weekend Funnies" posting. Thanks!
Have a blessed and winsome week! Awards and a CAUSE! For the benefit of Children this Easter,I am inviting you to please join the good cause to bring HOPE to the Children. Me got some goodies for you too, come on over? If you have been tagged, just come over to get the awards as I wanted you to have them. cheers! hugs shakira HAVE YOU A BOMBASTIC WEEK!
awards for you!
Happy Monday!
funny and witty!
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Thank You So Much and More Power!
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