A Million Thanks to
My Friend
Heart warming
Amazing friend!
10 things that makes me happy
1. When I receive an award;
2. When I gain friends;
3. When I discover to make links;
4. When I have something pink on me;
5. When I’m not late;
6. When I finish my paper works;
7. When I sleep 5-8 hours;
8. When I can exercise;
9. When I can talk to my parents;
10. When I can attend Sunday’s mass.
I would like to nominate this sweet friends award to::
1. Rosejane
2. Lovely Sister Dee
3. Jingle
4. Reanaclaire
5. Lucy
6. Doreen
7. Suryagni
8. Gregg
9. Nature Footstep
10. Dad
Have a nice Tuessday!

Your blog is so interesting, Thanks for listing me as your friend. DAD
Hi dear sister
thankd for again leaving your msg and visiting my page. I'll be waiting to talk to u. Just sent me msg on gmail whenever u want to talk. I'll be happy to be there.
Im always busy online and trying to earn some extra income :).
Take good care and keep smiling.
God bless u always.
thanks a lot for the award...i paste it in my letswallopblog.. :)
Thank you for your kind comments and for visiting my site. Also, thank you for the award. It is my first.
You are so sweet. Thank you for the award. I appreciate it so much. I love the name you gave me.
Mommy Lucy
thank you. Nice to give it to me :)
That's so sweet of you! Reading this gives me the inspiration to give awards to my fellow blogger friends too :)
I'll link you up ya :)
Thank you so much sis for giving this sweet friends award. I really appreciate it.. hehehe
For your 10 things that make you happy, we are absolutely have similarities in # 1, 2, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
thanks a lot for the award. i will display it in my wordpress blog, where i display all others :)
thanks a lot again.
thank you for thinking of me,
sorry for being late!
Happy Friday!
thanks for the sweet award my sweet sister
i just checked comments on my blog
Thanks again
By the way.. Im not much aware of these awards but I really feel good to see my name on the list :)
vote if not done so,
or take the award...
thank you for the awards.
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Thank You So Much and More Power!
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