Monday, March 07, 2011

Portfolio Introduction

What is Student Portfolio?

A portfolio is an organized collection of information, data, activities, etc. Using a consistent format and page layout throughout connects the diverse documents so it shows a clearer picture of your events.

Here is a good and suitable Portfolio Introduction Format (Personal Inventory)
To view, download and print the form. Please click here below timesaversforteachers.
Source Credit: Timesaversforteachers

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. saved..

    thanks ma`m.. !!

    portfolio consist of personal inventory , personal data .


  2. Divina Lamosa I - RUBY12/3/11 4:26 PM

    `..ahHH pORTFOLIO is like a organizer i think cause it organized you work in a scrapbook or sketchpad,or drawing book or sumthing..!! :)


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