Friday, March 04, 2011

Outdoor Fun

As a troop leader and Girl Guide for ten years. Camping spells many irresistible charms in the heart of every Girl Scout. I have noticed that my scouters are looking forward for any outdoor activities like adventure, fun, treks, camping and hiking. Furthermore, the unforgettable experience that leaves beautiful meanings on their impressionable mind.

Recently, we had our Council Encampment. This encampment will prepare and help them develop their skills, to be responsible and independent. In addition, they learn to build and sleep in a pup tent, cooked, budget and manage their supplies. These and many more are delightful experiences that would remember. During our camp evaluation, our troop was recognized and awarded as best in quarters and tent. The critics were amazed of our camp layout and quarters.

Indeed, I am grateful that my scouters learned the skills, attitudes and acquired actual learning situation. What’s more, I really appreciate the effort of our school for providing us our request especially our highly recommended tents , sleeping bags and gadgets. Thanks to for giving us ideas and providing our needs in outdoor activities.

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1 comment:

  1. Cool! And congratulations. Camping as a Girl Scout are some of my favorite memories from childhood. Although, I have to say your form sounds intense. We just slept in tents that the groundskeeper put up. We had cots to put our sleeping bags on. Therer were about 4 girls to a tent. Also we ate at the lodge. How cool that you are giving your time to make such wonderful memories for new generations of Girl Scouts.


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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