Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Portfolio Contents

What are the items to prepare in your portfolio?

This work should include the following:
  1. Title for your portfolio (name of subject, group name and group number)
  2. Checklist  (lists of names, and activities)
  3. Personal Inventory (Personal data)
  4. Sample Works/Activities
  5. Procedures
  6. Project Plan
  7. Projects (photos if you have)
  8. Rubrics/Criteria (rating scale)
  9. Test Papers
  10. Reflection (learnings)
• Music
• Art
• Physical Education
• Health

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. Divina Lamosa I - RUBY12/3/11 4:21 PM

    .. THAnks god im almost done with my portfolio....

  2. i have to make a blog like this as a course requirement of my master's studies..how?


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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