Thursday, May 17, 2012

Family Planning

Photo credit goes to istockphoto

What is Family Planning?

Family planning is deciding the number of children a married couple would want and they would decide when to have the next baby and uses responsible means to achieve their desired number of children.

Birth Control is a procedure that can prevent the birth of a child. It is a routine of one or more actions, devices, or medications followed in order to prevent or reduce chances of pregnancy or giving birth.

Contraceptive is any method or procedure couples may use to prevent the fertilization of the ovum.

The significance of family planning to:
  1.  Mother - taking two to three years interval of delivery makes a mother recover and regains health. 
  2. Father – family planning lightens the burden and responsibility of the father in supporting family since there are only few to support.
  3. Children – they will get better time, opportunity, and security needs like food, clothing, good education, and others.
  4. Family – family members have more opportunities to enjoy each other’s company and enable them to save for the improvement of living standards and emergencies.
  5. Community – family planning improves the economic and social status of the community.
  6. Country and the World – with the positive results of family planning, resources like land, food, and fuel can be reduced in usage and sanitation control would be more effective.
 What are the positive effects of family planning?

  •  Physical Less exhaustion due to burden of work load. Everyone in the family will have enough time for everything including rest.
  • Mental and Emotional Children gets more time from parents and also have better financial and security needs. This makes the family happy and contented.
  • Spiritual Parents having more time with the family will also have enough time to lead their children spiritually. A spiritual way of life results to stronger ties.
  • Social There will be enough time with the family and even the community. With an appeased mind and conditioned mental state, it is easier to associate with the family and community.
  • Moral With parents having more time with children, they will have more time teaching children values and responsibilities.
  • Parents can also provide education and good upbringings. Economic Lesser children results to lesser expenses. Parents will have less to support thus saving more. Economically, the family will have more savings to spend on other needs and will be more financially secured.

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. Lana Lane A. Roxas10/8/15 5:55 PM

    I found that this lesson is useful,because If I will share this to my family not only my family also to my friends so that, they will do the same thing or plan written above and also if I'm going to follow this plan my family will be successful and peaceful and we can divide the household chores so that no one will make a quarrel

  2. Lana Lane A. Roxas10/8/15 5:58 PM

    based on my observation I found that this lesson can help us to make our family peaceful and successful and at our young age we can help our family or others to have a good relationship with our family.


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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