Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So-fa Names, Pitch Names and Corresponding Numbers

A staff has five parallel lines and four spaces. It is enclosed by bar lines at the sides. Each line and space of the staff has a particular tone with its corresponding pitch name.

Pitch names are letter names derived from the first seven letters of the English Alphabet. The so-fa names are so-fa syllable written as do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, Do. These so-fa names are arranged in ascending or descending order. While the corresponding numbers are equivalent, numbers of both so-fa names and pitch names.

A. Pitch Names or Letter Names:
  • C    D    E    F    G    A   B   C

B. So-fa Names or So-fa Syllable:
  • do   re   mi   fa   so   la   ti   Do

C. Corresponding Numbers:
  • 1     2    3    4     5    6   7    8

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. DArlene Diane V. Ciano7/12/10 6:49 PM

    listening to the lesson about music specifically on notes,this, my attention was i it...i love to learn more about notes!!!

  2. Today i had discovered that it is not hard to understand the notes. Listening to music makes a person feel happy. reading notes are very easy and playing the flute especially if you had memorize the so-fa names of a song.

  3. Jenice Lausa5/1/12 5:50 PM

    I am very grateful to learn how to read notes especially if they are not arranged correctly because I can practice the flute in our house better and more precisely than the other years passed by.

  4. Litlot helpful for student like me tnx❤


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