Thursday, April 22, 2010

Equally Talented Disabled Dancers

Choreography by Zhao Limin
Performed by Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei

What a beautiful day to someone
Who uses and share his talent
And will be blessed forever.
They are like trees growing beside a stream
Always have leaves and bear fruits regularly.

For those who failed to acknowledge his talent
They are like dried leaves blown by the wind
They are helpless and useless.
God works in different ways. He fills in
What is lacking in us.

You may be blind yet you give us sweet
Music to hear like a bird singing in a bright
And lovely morning
You may be deaf and mute yet you painted
With full of surprises like a colorful rainbow
A midst the falling rain.

You may be crippled yet you dance
Gracefully like a swan swaying around the lagoon
Thanks GOD for all these great TALENTS
Be grateful for we are equality bless in HIS perfect time.

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. What a stunning reminder that perfection is not needed to create art and beauty.

  2. Very inspiring and what an amazing performance of the disabled dancers.

  3. Wahhhhh, I am crying over her mapeh and you are to blame lol.. Amazing performance as ate eden said! Very talented! Thanks for the visit and comments dearest.. I to got busy coz my kids got sick, but they are now getting better..

  4. wow! very entertaining and very talented people....:) thanks for sharing sis...:)

    woi kumusta man ang imong convention mam sis...salamat sa dalaw ha....glad to be here again!

  5. It's so beautiful. Thanks for sharing this video with us.

    Happy MYM!

    Mine is here.

  6. their presentation was nice :)

  7. Meshlei Severino18/11/10 1:16 PM

    i was so impressed with the two disabled dancers..
    while watching the video,
    i realized that disability is not a hindrance after all for doing the things you wish to do..


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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