Monday, May 16, 2022

FA#4.8-#4.10-Pre-Test- Interpret or Perform the Basic Movements of Locomotor and Non-Locomotor | Fourth Quarter | PE | MAPEH 7 | MAPEH Homepage

Synchronous and Asynchronous Activities found on the Learning Materials
FA#4.7-Simple Recall: Classifications of Philippine Folk Dances and Festival Dances
Please refer to our (Learning Materials) Previous Lessons in Music, Arts, and PE
Here's the Activity Link for FA#4.7-Simple Recall: Philippine Folk Dances and Festival Dances

FA#4.8 -Pre-Test
FA#4.9 -Assessment Time
Here's the Link for FA#4.8 and FA#4.9-Learning Materials Rhythmic Dance: Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements
LESSON: Rhythmic Dance: Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements
Synchronous and Asynchronous Activities found on the Learning Materials
FA#4.10-Perform the Basic Movements of Locomotor and Non-locomotor 
Locomotor movements are movements that allow the body to move from one place to another or occupy space/travel.
Non-locomotor movements are movements that the body is able to execute while the feet remain stationary or stay in one place/area.

-What are the Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements
-Perform the different basic movements: Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements
-Individual movements interpretation/performance
-Prepare for class participation

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