Monday, February 07, 2022

Looking Back and Moving Forward | Aftermath Calamity Activity | Asynchronous | MAPEH Homepage

Everyone has a story to tell, a lesson to teach, and wisdom to share 
especially after Typhoon Odette.

-What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? 

-Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?  

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. I have learned that I'm the type of person who's afraid of change. Yes I do agree that life is more important than material things, because without life we wouldn't be able to enjoy those things. We wouldn't be able to experience many things

  2. 1. Well, I've learned to be prepared,

    2.Yes, I agree that life is more important than things, life is short, important,

  3. Ares Mary Therese7/2/22 10:23 AM

    What I've learn during the typhoon is that we should help and care for each other. I agree that life is more important than things although our lives are short we encounter countless of memories shared with the people that we love and we spend time with them.

  4. Ortega, Avery Chiell S. , 7-Faith
    • I learned how to save water and batteries. I also learned how to keep up and move forward even though somethings changed.

    • I do agree that life is more important than material things because it is given by God and it cannot replace by any. Unlike material things it can be replace if it is already gone or broke. And life could not be bought by any.

  5. Lessons learned:
    I guess the typhoon made people recognize the importance of things (that we may not have acknowledge or noticed its importance enough before the typhoon) like food or water and to not underestimate typhoons.
    Due to odette, water and food supply were limited and were heavily demanded by people (after-typhoon)- and since the supply is limited and the demand is overwhelming- they/sellers have no choice but to increase the price to increase profits- but this increase of profits made some of the people, who were in finiancial crisis or have little to no money, not able to afford it- therefore making them hungry and thirsty. This wouldn’t have happened if they had prepared beforehand or have recognized the importance of these things if were limited.
    Life > Materials
    I agree that life is more than materials because materials can easily be restored or replaced if destroyed.

  6. Sydney and May Therese, thanks for that inspiring message. Precisely, life is short and we have be thankful for everything.

  7. Mapeh 7- Jabines, Jhudrence Jhosie

    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?
    I learned that lack of foresight and being unprepared for any disaster can be very devastating and costly in terms of lives and properties. It has thought us that preparedness, awareness and ability to think quickly is very essential not only during typhoons and calamities but all the time.

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things?" Why or Why not?
    Yes, Because most people don't understand that life is the substratum of materialism and it is above everything important. While material things could come and go, life itself comes only once and it is on how well we live our lives matters.

  8. Hera Paulyn L. Caneja

    -I've learned to hold on things, thinking positive and making my mental health strong as possible to make things a little better.

    -Yes I agree that life is more important than things because what's the point of prioritizing materials when you can't even help yourself. Life is something we keep, it is short but special even in the hardest times.

    1. Nice to hear your that. Very optimistic

  9. -I learned that having no electricity, water and jobs are very hard for ourlives especially for those who have their income in electricity or wifi. I also learned to be more giving and helpful for those people in need.

    -Yes, I do agree that life is more important than things because we have to focus on what we have now and taking care of ourselves and for our families. Life is short for us to keep on waiting and do nothig, we have to put our lives and families first before anything.

  10. Erenio, Kim Andrie

    I have learned that no matter what it takes, we can still rise up. Yes, because our lives are the most important of all things, because without life there would be nothing.

  11. 1. The things that I have learned during and after the typhoon is that it is very important that we are prepared both in financial and in temporal things like (emergency kits, food, medicine, water) and any basic necessities that can help us survive for long number of days.

    2.I totally agree with the saying, since material things are just temporary in this world and in a blink of an eye, we might lost everything that we have. What really matters most are our family, and our spiritual aspects of how we live our life everyday and how we deal with other people with goodness.

  12. 1.) Never be afraid and to always be prepared.

    2.) Yes, I do. That's because life is filled with things that cannot be replaced. Our health, relationships, and memories are things that cannot be possessed by just owning them but can be possessed by experiencing them. Material things are just objects that can easily be replaced if it gets broken or rotten.

  13. 1.) be responsible for yourself.
    2.)Yes, Because god created our life that's why it's important.

  14. 1) always be patient and prepared . 2) i do beliave that life is more important than materials cause The pursuit and purchase of physical possessions will never fully satisfy our desire for happiness. It may result in temporary joy but not the joy of memories like places you go with your family

  15. -I've learnt that you should encourage one another

    -Yes, I believe that life is more important than goods; the most essential thing I've learnt is to look for ourselves and our family. Life is brief, thus we should spend more time with our friends and family; we must prioritize our lives and families above all else.

  16. Pagaura, Lalaine Mae A.7/2/22 2:03 PM

    7 - Galileo Lalaine Mae A. Pagaura

    1. I've learned that it's really necessary to be become prepared before a typhoon and to save water and food resources. Appreciate and be thankful for everything. Communicate with others.

    2. Yes, I believe that life is more important than material things. Because life is not like the material things that can just be replaced if it gets broken. Material things results to temporary happiness only but not like the happiness we feel about the memories we had with other people. Life is the most precious gift we can get from God and it's something to cherish and to be taken care of.

  17. 1.I've learned to treasure my family because they are important people that will help you even at your darkest times even if they wont get anything from you.
    2.Yes,because lives are unretrievable and is a one time thing while things are retrievable and it can never die.

  18. Maria Kristine G. Lavandero 7-Charity

    1. I learned that in every calamity, you must be prepared, tough and strong, I also learned to gather hope in every situation, I also learned to share blessings with one another and help others.

    2. I agree about the statement because during the typhoon, I knew that I will put myself and my family's lives first in a safe place, that time, I never think of any things that I need to carry. Life is short and important, enjoy your life, and gather good memories.

  19. 7 - CHARITY
    Jamero, Zaehadi Jaehn
    2 / 7 / 2022

    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? 

    During the typhoon:
    • I should have taken the typhoon seriously and be prepared next time.

    After the typhoon:
    •  I should have prepared food and specially a lot of drinking water because we almost ran out of drinking water.
    • I should have bought batteries and flashlight earlier.

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?

    •Yes, because without Life the material things are useless to us. Material things enjoy us, but Life gives us the chance to be happy with the people we love.

    After/during the typhoon, I learned that being scared and panic won't give u a good result. We should have a presence of mind to come up a better solution.

    Yes, life is more important than material things because life can't be compared to things that can be replace when broken and we only live once.

  21. Khirstine Alexis Beldad 7-Charity

    After the typhoon I learned to not underestimate things because I thought the typhoon is not that strong and will just bring drizzle but our roof flew away, our neighbors roof also flew away, things were flying and our santol and mango tree fell down.

    Yes, Because you can't buy life unlike material things, you can't just waste it, you can't just throw it. There are many people who wants to live but can not because of their disease, however, there are also people who wants to die. Maybe because they feel great sadness and pain that they could no longer endure it so they let go.

  22. What I`ve learned during the typhoon is that we should help each other I agree that life is more important than material things because material things can be replace except for life of a person can never be replace.

  23. Sofiel Veraux M. Galon
    - I learn to have courage during the bagyong odette.I also learn to be prepared during the typhoon regarless of its strength.

    -Yes, You need to cherish life because life is short.You can own material things but it cannot bring back life.

  24. 1. I learned that I should put my important papers in a safe area to avoid it being wet by the water that leaked from the ceiling and I also learned to save water.
    2. Yes, I agree with the statement “life is more important than material things” because with life you will be able to experience and enjoy memorable things with your family. Materials are things you want today but will forget tomorrow because they are not meaningful.
    Angel Mae B. Patunob


  25. Pantollano Lucky Grace

    1. After typhoon i found out how my dad felt when the storm was strong so I knew what I would do when there was a strong storm because I had already experienced it and we need to prepare food and water if there is a strong storm.

    2. Life is more important than things even family its ok if our house is damaged important is families are safe because things can buy life’s cant buy

  26. Fiel, Saniyah O. 2/7/22 1.I learned how to live a very tough life that others have i experience tiredness and so does my parents. 2.Yes, it is and so does family you its more fun than some gadget.

  27. Yeshaya Gabriel Pielago7/2/22 4:42 PM

    7 - GALILEO
    1. I have learned that life at home without technology isn't so bad after all. I got to go outside with my friends, and read the books that I own. It felt really great to go out and get some fresh air.

    2. Yes, I do agree with the statement. Life is a one-time thing and is something we should cherish. It is much more important than any other material in the world.

  28. Jheykisha N. Paradela


    1.) I learned that I have to be helpful with my family during tough times. And I have also learned to not be wasteful with supplies (like battery, food water etc.) cause we never know when we when we will needed it the most

    2) Yes, I certainly agree with the statement that "Life is more important than material things". For the reason that God gave us one life. And it cannot be restore, because of that we really need to be really careful and take care of ourselves of our life no matter what troubles or problems may came into our life.

  29. 1. In times of typhoon or any calamity, there is no division of who’s rich or poor. Anyone can be affected. Anyone can be the victim. It’s just a matter of accepting the reality and knowing how to move on. It would matter if you are prepared for this calamity. It will really help if you have emergency stuff like go-bag, flashlight, candle, lighter, cash and canned goods.

    2. Yes, because material things can be replaced while life cannot.

  30. Gascon, Jan Margareth (7-Faith)

    1. In times of typhoon or any calamity, there is no division of who’s rich or poor. Anyone can be affected. Anyone can be the victim. It’s just a matter of accepting the reality and knowing how to move on. It would matter if you are prepared for this calamity. It will really help if you have emergency stuff like go-bag, flashlight, candle, lighter, cash and canned goods.

    2. Yes, because material things can anytime be replaced while life cannot.


  31. 7-faith, Brandon Kyle F. Beltran

    1.)If there was one thing that ive learned from the typhoon is contentment. And I also helped my family during the hard times because we have no supplies of water, battery,food and many more.

    2.) Yes, I agree with this statement. Because material things can be replaced and are limited. For me, life itself is about doing the things that makes you happy and enjoying every moment that comes your way. Although material things can make you happy, it is only temporary and it changes over time.

  32. 7-CHARITY

    1. I've learned to appreciate to save water and be more wise using electricity.

    2. Yes,I agree that life is more important than material things because we only have one life to live while material things can easily be replaced/bought through hardwork.

  33. Gabriel Louis R. De Asis7/2/22 5:53 PM

    What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?
    1. I learned how to conserve water and that life without technology can be fun.

    Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?
    2. Yes, because life is irreplaceable, whereas material things are easily replaced.

  34. Caballero, Breanne Dominique P.

    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?
    I've learned to stay calm when needed and focus on what's important. I've also learned to always value my family for they were always there when I needed them.

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?

    Yes, you can't replace life with material things. You must value your life for you only live once.

  35. Ayesha Moñasque7/2/22 6:48 PM

    - Nakat on ko nga dapat di ta mag usik² sa tubig and dapat tipid sa battery sa cp and gamiton sha sa mga important things

    - Yes Ky Ang Things(butang) pwede pmn na ayohon or mo palit ug bag o and ang life once in a life time lang

  36. Voughn Ryan M. Mendaros 7-Galileo.
    1. Before the typhoon, my mom and grandparents prepared the extra batteries, bought some grocery food for stocks and checked if our emergency light was in good condition. I did prepare my bag and put some clothes in it for emergency use. When the typhoon came, I realized that it is very important to always be prepared because we don't know what will happen. I prayed and thanked God for saving our house, especially my family and I.

    2. I absolutely agree that life is more important than material things, because material things can be easily restored, but life cannot be bought with money. Life is precious, and so we have to value the moments and family bonding time we have.

  37. Lopez, Nicolette Beatrice Lopez (7-Faith)

    Everyone, has a story to tell. A lesson to teach, and wisdom to share especially after Typhoon Odette.

    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? With or without the Typhoons or that we may never know whats ahead of us, we always need to be prepared whenever these kinds of things hit us. During the Typhoon, Family never leaves a member behind. During the Typhoon that took about an hour, Me and my family are always together, praying for us and others out there. They will always be our treasures who will last forever in our hearts. I've observed alot of caring and kind people , they helped who are in desperate need, witht he supplies to make a new home for. I can still the humanity within us huh?

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or why not?

    Yes, I do agree with that statement. As you only get to live once, if you do it right, then once is enough. Since the day we were born, we have been told something different. As a result, we spend our lives by enjoying everything and our life is indeed short. We get one shot at it, as time goes by quick and once we use it up, we cant go back so, make the most of it.
    OUR life is unique, OUR life is signifiacant, OUR life is designed to inspire and Our life is important. Be reminded that our lives is far too valuable to waste chasing material possessions, and find more joy today by choosing to persue. A "better" rather than "more".


  38. What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? I learned that having no technology was never bad. I felt like I was living in the past because I had never been separated with technology for so long.

    Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?
    Yes I do agree on the statement, life is something you can replace and compared to materials, materials can break and you can just buy another one. I also think one of the reasons why I agree with this statement is because I grew up with my parents telling me nothing is more valuable than life.

    Christie C. Dela Calzada 7-Galileo

  39. Avril Marie Falcon

    1.I learned to not panic and be calm during this type of calamities, I also learned having no technology/internet connection was never bad than I expected. I'm always on my phone but due to no electricity and no internet connection, me and my family had so much fun spending time with each other. I also leaned to always be prepared because we will never know what will happen.

    2.Yes I do agree, material things can be always be replaced. Our life is more important than material things, we can only live once, our lives is too valuable to be wasted.

  40. Queen Martha Ysabelle R. Hiramis7/2/22 10:50 PM

    1. What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?

    answer: The lessons I learned after typhoon Odette happened is that you must always listen to the news. I also learned that now matter how small or big the typhoon is. You must be prepared especially food, gas. water and batteries.

    2. -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?

    answer: Yes, I agree about the statement. The reason why I agree is that life can never be earned again once you lost it but when you lost material things it can be earned again by earning money and buying it again.

  41. Nacua, Sophia Chamois Gr-7 Charity

    1.Ngayon lang kami nagkaelectricity. Marami pa rin lugar yung wlang electricity. One lesson we learn is to have a portion of your EF in cash. Dec 17, morning after the typhoon landed in Cebu, we were trapped in our municipality since all entrance and exit points were not passable dahil sa mga poste na natumba. Sobrang mahal na ng mga bilihin. Water refilling stations charged Php50 per gallon which was Php10 before typhoon. Tumaas mga gas at diesel at most Php160/liter. Nakakatakot, pero kinakaya. Better days are already coming. Unti-unti na bumabalik signal. Nakakapagdata na sa ibang lugar. May electricity na sa iba

    2. Yes, because disciple needed to learn the lesson that life is more important than material things. They must learn not to be diverted from their commitment to Jesus by greed for wealth & material possessions. True riches & satisfaction come only from God.

  42. Lara Mariel B. Mante - 7-GALILEO8/2/22 7:06 AM

    1. After what we've all gone through as a result of the typhoon,
    I've come to realize that we need to be more innovative and

    2. Life has always been more important to me than worldly possessions.
    I've seen people lose everything else but their health and their
    families, while still being happy. On the other hand, I've seen
    people who have all they desire and are still sad because they
    lack their family's love and support. The most essential things
    in life, in my opinion, are our health, the people we love,
    and our experiences.

  43. During the typhoon I learned to stay alert and not to panic.

    Yes of course, because we only have one life and things can just be replaced.

  44. Aninon, Charles Julian A. - 7- CHARITY

    I learned that we should always be prepared everytime, especially during strong typhoons. Yes, I agree that life is most important because life is short and precious and it cannot be replaced by any material things.

  45. i learned to be prepared and attentive.

    Yes, bc life is very important than material things because things you want you can have it anytime.

  46. I learned to be prepared and attentive.

    Yes, bc our quality of life is more important than material things because things you can have it anytime

  47. Montecillo, Johanne Cassie U. 7-Galileo

    - What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?

    I've learned how to appreciate every little things I have and how important it is to conserve water. We should all help each other during these times.

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?

    Yes, because you're only given one chance in life while material things can be brought back. Life is not permanent. At one point, life will be taken away from us and all our riches and problems will be left behind.
    Life is something that comes only once and we are only given one chance at life. While the material things are permanent. We may lose them but there will be a chance to get it back. Material things come and go.
    But life is only once, we should cherish it.

  48. Angelus S. Colegio 7-Galileo

    I learned to be resourceful, resilient, and hardworking throughout the time when there was no electricity

    I agree with the notion that life is more important than material things since another human life or soul is a unique being with unique thoughts and unique experiences that can interact with you, talk to you, be affectionate to you, love you, and so much more and you can do it back to them too. There's something about the human soul that's precious. Material things can be replaced, Life can't

  49. Louiz Philippe S. Tecson 7-Galileo
    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? I've learned that we need to prepare everything if there will be disaster that will come, coz as i've witnessed after the typhoon there's a lot a people looking for drinking water as well many people hoard for gasoline or even foods..

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not? Yes life is very important than material things because we can have those material things if we really want it, we can get it back but when it comes to life
    we cant get it back it once in a lifetime only...

  50. r do not underestimate any calamities and always be prepared. After the typhoon I learned a lot of things we need to be united to get back up again, we need to help each other as much as possible, We need to think about others too and don't be selfish.

    2. Yes I agree with the fact that life is more important than material things because life is why we're here and why we appreciate material things. Physical possession will never fully satisfy you because it eventually fades away. Life is most definitely uncertain but it's the reason why we feel the love we have for material things.

  51. Gelbolingo, Louisse Angelique M.

    Galileo 7

    1. The lesson I learned during the typhoon is do not underestimate any calamities and always be prepared. After the typhoon I learned a lot of things we need to be united to get back up again, we need to help each other as much as possible, We need to think about others too and don't be selfish.

    2. Yes I agree with the fact that life is more important than material things because life is why we're here and why we appreciate material things. Physical possession will never fully satisfy you because it eventually fades away. Life is most definitely uncertain but it's the reason why we feel the love we have for material things.

    (I typed my answers again miss because something went wrong with the first sentence I typed)

  52. Alce Zuey Kirsten 7- Galileo
    1. The lessons I learned after typhoon Odette was be more opened to any possible outcome of a calamity. I was able to be prepared and at the same time I developed the calmness and the virtue of being patient. In the situation I experienced it was really hard but I kept myself to be strong to be able to continue and remain positive that this things shall pass. I am giving more value to the importance of my family.
    2. I do agree with the statement “ Life is more important than material things”. Things can be replace any time and anywhere but we do only one life to live. We should live our life to the fullest and do great things. Our life is a gift that we should treasure and to take good care. Things are replaceable but life is irreplaceable.

  53. Vincent A. Despares:
    1. What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon? I learn that before the typhoon, we really need to listen the tv news or radio as well, so that before the typhoon comes, we have already prepare for what we need and what we use, also you need to check everything at your home if there is a promblem or what, because it's only for your safety.Arter the typhoon i realized that somehow we/i can't communicate with my family if they are good or no promblems at their own safety as to be sure, the reason why i can't communicate with them because there's no signal to text/chat them, also no water,no electricity so we really really need to do something so that we can still survive from this crisis, like mag-bumba ka ng puso para may tubig kayo tapos gawin niyo para sa washing dishes para manatiling malinis ang plato,kutsara,tinidor,at baso niyo,at magagamit din ito para sa lulutuin niyong pagkain kagaya ng soup, o dikaya para warm up like milo o gatas, at para ligo din kung kailangan man.kailangan rin tayo mag-tulongtulongan para makagawa rin kayo sa susunod na gawain niyo.

    2. Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?
    I do agree that life is important for us because, you know life is only limited like we humans only have 1 life to survive if there is going to be a promblem and if you die, you die, you just need to cross your path either heaven or hell, but the point is that we only have 1 life to experience the world around us, to learn, to make something better to yourself, to make yourself better as you are right now, because we dont last for long in this world, this universe, that's why you should explore everything because your here in this world to make yourself happy for everything you have, because why would you make your life miserable and sad if you have a world to enjoy with, and if you die you can't another time to know yourself better because of your anxiety, and sadness of yourself just for something reason,every promblem you have, you can solve it, you can fix it, there is nothing impossible if you do it, in a good case god give you a second chance to live cause you still have something to do in this world, that you have'nt experience it, that's why life is more important because we humans dont live this world for long, because god don't choose our fate, it's us, do something better to your life even if you die you are full of happiness in your heart and memories, the purpose of us in this world is to find true self, life is full of purpose that's is the reason why we born and live.
    Thank you.

  54. Clarisse Kate Poro


    -What lessons have you learned during/after the Typhoon?

    I have learned that it is important to be prapared in all types of calamaties.

    -Do you agree with the statement "Life is more important than material things"? Why or Why not?

    Yes, I believe that life is more important than material things because once you lost a life it can never be replaced but things can be.

  55. Ashley Nichole Y. Codera


    The lessons I learned after typhoon Odette happened is that you must always listen to the news. I also learned having no technology was never bad than I expected.

    I do agree that life is more important than material things because materials can easily be restored if destroyed.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Alsonado, Ed Lawrence E.

    7- GALILEO

    1. The lesson that I have learned after the typhoon is that we should be prepared at all times since we really don't know what will happen and anything could happen, even things we don't expect. I also learned that we should set aside some cash especially in times of calamities because we would really struggle after a calamity or typhoon without money since most places would be destroyed including the buildings and prices of products and necessities would really go up.

    2. I do agree with the statement since material things will eventually be useless and can just be replaced, but our life can't be. We should enjoy our lives and not be greedy over material things since they only give temporary satisfaction to us.

  59. 7- Galileo Trixxie Jeniz E. Optina

    1. I have learned that we need to be prepared during these times and always think before you act. Stay home and don't go outside. We need to be calm and cautious of our surroundings. Prepare all the things you need for this disaster.
    2. Yes, I do agree because our lives cannot be replaced or can be fixed like material things, it is precious so we need to live our lives to the fullest and never think of negative thoughts.

  60. Cathlea Kaitlyn Toledo 7-Faith

    1. I've learned to always be prepared, and have a cool-headed mind whenever something bad will happen, don't panic and help your parents prepare for the typhoon. 2. I agree, we don't know when we will die and we don't even know if we will even be reborn when we die, " You can only live once" they said.

  61. Daniel Martin U. Cometeja 7 Galileo
    1. We learned a lot of lesson not only me but also my parents That we need to be prepared for what calamity came. Don't ignore all the news and warning of our Government. We need to cooperate. I do believe the sayings now "Ligtas Ang May Alam".
    2. I agree that our life is more important than anything else in the world. Typhoon Odette open my eyes that material things can't save us. Our happiness are not circulate with materials things, its circulate with our family and friends and the beauty of our world.

  62. 1. The lessons that I learned during or after the typhoon is basically the same. I learnt that despite the destruction and distress the typhoon cause its still brought out something good and that would be that because of the fallen trees there will be a chance to remake or rebuild the area and it will be nice cause its new. Also because of the typhoon man people realized that we were all so dependent on electricity and internet that we forgot to actually have fun. And we actually did have fun even without internet. God made us realize that we shouldn't live our lives behind the screen of our gadgets but to go out and have some actual fun with real live people.

    2. Yes. Because material things can be replaced, life can't. When material things get ruined or stolen or sold, there is a way to get it back or there is a way to earn it back. But when a life is taken away there is no way to get it back nor earn it, once a life is gone, it's gone and no one in this world can do anything about it. Material things seems so important right now that, that certain person's life is with us but was once its gone, nothing, not even material things can cheer us up. And we will find ourselves having flashbacks of the memory we had with that person, trying to relive and trying to console ourselves. And the material things won't even matter. The pain of losing a life and material things are very different. If we spend way too much money and time and effort for material things and forget life....we will regret that later, when that life is gone.

  63. I have learned that even though we are at bad situations we should help each other so we can get through any situations, and yes life is more important than any material because without life how do you expect to get a material when you are not there? but life is really more important than any object out there.

  64. Cyllon, Von Malcom R.

    I have learned that even though we are at bad situations we should help each other so we can get through any situations, and yes life is more important than any material because without life how do you expect to get a material when you are not there? but life is really more important than any object out there.

    Note: I re-posted the comment above because I forgot to add my name and section, sorry.


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