Monday, December 14, 2020

Arnis Demo | Create a Meal Plan | Performance Task#2.2 | Second Quarter | MAPEH 7


Only 1 output for this PT#2.2 - 2nd Quarter. However, you have two OPTIONS to choose from either Physical Education or Health

A. Physical Education (PE)-Arnis Demo on Stance, Strike, Block

B. Health-Create a one-week Meal Plan using the Nutritional Guide Food Pyramid

A. Physical Education (PE)-Arnis Demo on Stance, Strike, Block


-        individual performance task

-        perform and demonstrate the different Arnis Stance, Strike, and Block

-        have authentic proof of your performance in a collage docx or jpeg format (as 1).

-        see example below

-        submit your video in our google classroom on/or before  December 21, 2020

(Example Arnis Demonstration)


-mastery stance, strike, block -15 pts

-execution/demonstration -15 pts

-documentation/proof-15 pts

-overall impact-5 pts

Total Points = 50

           B. Health-Create a one-week Meal Plan using the Nutritional Guide Food Pyramid


-        individual performance task

-        using the Nutritional Guide Food Pyramid;

-        prepare/create a balanced one-week meal for an adolescent. Consider the number of servings per food group;

-       use short size bond paper (docx or jpeg format) for your output;

-       be creative in your output.

-       see example below

-        submit your output in our google classroom on/or before  December 21, 2020 

(Example Meal Plan)

-Design, Pattern, and style-15 pts
-Appropriateness-15 pts
-Neatness-15 pts
-overall impact- 5 pts
Total Points=50 

-Bryl Caballero
-Richard Jongko    
-Abcill Alquisola

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