Thursday, October 01, 2020

Performance Task | Physical Fitness Test | First Quarter PE


General Instructions: 

Safety First! For Students with HEALTH CONDITIONS- you’re advised not to take and join the PFT activity. But need to present (send) a Medical Certificate or NOTE from parents/guardian stating about your health condition.

Always be careful and be serious in performing the task. You will record a video of yourself doing the following steps. Create and save your videos to Google drive videos from Day1 and Day7 only (2 days).

Submit: Your Google Drive link for me to check your Performance.

Video Format: Mp4 and Landscape (Horizontal) in recording

Deadline: on or before October 15, 2020

Materials Needed:

-Meter Stick or Tape Measure


*Complete Physical Fitness Attire

*Video Camera (Proof of Performance)

Perform: Based on your capacity. Don't Push yourself if you can't do it anymore. This is not about your numerical score on the fitness card. Again, this test is not a competition or ranking. The Physical Fitness Test is to check your strength and weaknesses in physical activities.


1. Wear your complete uniform

-White T-shirt, Jogging Pants (Any color), and Rubber Shoes.

2. Get your Resting Heart Rate (RHR) and write it in your fitness card.

3. Start with a Warm-up and Stretching Exercise.  Starting from your head going to your foot. (10-minutes or less)

 -Optional Watch the how-to videos about Warm-Up, Stretching Exercise, Physical Fitness Test, and Cool Down. The link will follow or Check the collaborator's link below.

 -RHR, Warm-Up, and Stretching Exercises

-Physical Fitness Test, Cool Down, and RHR


Physical Fitness Test:

1. Modified Sit and Reach


-Prepare a tape measure and place it on the floor.

-Sit on the floor with your back against the wall.

-Position your arms straight towards the floor and extend your arms towards the farthest point that you can reach in this position.

-Measure the distance reached by fingers in inches or cm-scale using the tape measure. ( Record it in the Fitness Card)


2. Modified Curl-ups

-Prepare a mat on the floor.  

-Start by lying on the floor or mat with arms straight and hands extended on your side.

-Shoulders are relaxed, knees bent, hands on your lap, and slide up and down.

-Start doing curl up for 1 minute and then record your score on the fitness card.


3. Modified Push-up

-For boys, begin in a push-up position, with your body supported by your hands which are shoulders-wide apart.

-For girls, do the modified push-ups. Start with your body or back in a straight position supported by your hands

-Execute as many push-ups as you can without changing your pace. Perform it based on your capacity or 1-minute maximum then record your score in the fitness card.


4. Jumping Jacks

-Find an area of your house which is not slippery.

-Perform jumping jacks for about 30 counts or 1-minute maximum.

-Record how many jumping jacks you perform in your fitness card.


*After performing all exercises, get your recovery heart rate and record it in your fitness card.


Fitness Card:                    

Credit to MAPEH 7 Collaborator's & Link:
Mr. Jongko
Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. Tura, Elyssa Trisha



Thank You So Much and More Power!

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