Saturday, March 12, 2011

Meaning of Tsunami

What is a Tsunami?
A tsunami is a series of sea waves commonly generated by under-the -sea earthquakes and whose heights could be greather than 5 meters. It is erroneously called tidal waves and sometimes mistakenly associated with storm ssurges. Tsunamis can occur when the earthquake is shallow-seated and strong enough to displace parts of the seabed disturb the mass of water over it.

Some natural signs of an approaching tsunami:
  1. A felt earthquake
  2. Unusual sea level change-sudden water sea retreat or rise
  3. Rumbling sounds of approaching waves
Source Credit: Suntar and Phivolcs

Thank you for reading and commenting...


  1. actually TSUNAMI can`t be predicted..

    let us pray our brothers and sisters in JAPAN :))

    tsunami recently occur when a sea volcano erupts :))

  2. these days, tsunamis as well as earthquakes are occurring anytime.. but we must not be shocked or terrified because it was already prophesied in the bible that this is really going to happen as a part of the last days when it is almost time for God to judge the earth..

  3. Were you in the evacuations. I have read that the Phillipines did have some tsunami activity, but there was no loss of life, and no major damage was done. I hope that was true. It had very frightening though.


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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