Wednesday, May 28, 2008

UC Hymn Lyrics

Words and Music by
Marietta A. Belarmino 

'Mid these fair Visayan Isles

'Neath these azure blue skies

Stands UC our beloved

Lofty in all her glory

Sparks of wisdom, hope and joy

Always kindling in our hearts

Thy precious name, thy glorious fame

Will shine through all eternity

Thy name shall ever be our guide

Thy light our inspiration

Keep up the light a glowing bright

To thy portals dear ALMA MATER

Hail! Praises be to thee

Onwards show us the way

Faithful and true we'll always be

To thee our ALMA MATER dear.


  1. I learned who wrote and made the UC HYMN!
    " " " " that we cannot change the tune unless we do not have the permission from the officials!

  2. Mariettta A. Belarmino who was retired teacher of UC was composed the UC HYMN . and i also know how to sing the song UC HYM and its proper rising-falling intonation.

  3. nOw ii KnoW thAt 1 oF the tEacher in uc composed thE song uc hymn jejeje ^_^

  4. UC HYM show respect 2 our school...and we should learnd 2 sing these our SCHOOL THEME SONG..^_^

  5. .....i know that the composer of uc hym is retireded but they create a beatiful1 theme song of our school,to tnx them we song properly and resfectfully.....hope your kind consideration........

  6. .....i learn that UC HYM is important beacause it s represent our school and we shuold be thankfull that we have this kind UC HYM....hope your kind consideration.....

  7. Hannah Mae L.Caes4/7/15 10:59 AM

    I learned that UC Hymn is important because it represents our school and UC's inspiration is the students because it's like the students are their source of strength to make a comfortable school and to have a quality education, that's why students should respect the school and sing the hymn properly...

  8. Justina Juezan10/8/15 6:56 PM

    Now i know that UC Hymn is so important to the student's and also to the school because it represent what the school it is and the student they are that's why we should respect our hymn and sing it properly, This also guide the student's on how to be a good model to others because the characteristics of a good model is on the song...

  9. I knew the song when I graduated. Until now I can still memorize the lyrics. Yes, Mam Belarmino, the one who wrote the lyrics, was my English teacher.


Thank You So Much and More Power!

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